Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ok, so I was getting Mack ready for preschool today when I realized that he had Show and Tell.  So he is supposed to bring something that starts with the letter M.  As I started searching through his room and toys, I couldn't find anything that started with M. So what did I do?  That's right...I googled.  I needed ideas people!  So I googled something like "Show and Tell letter M" or something like that.  Well I found this forum of people that had lists of things that preschoolers could bring that started with the letter M. This is when I found really weird response.  Here is the exact list someone put up there:

chocolate moose

First of all, I was extremely disturbed by MATCHES.  What parent would think it ok to send Matches to school with their preschooler for show and tell?!  then the next boring.  "Hi new friends, my name is Mack and for show and tell I brought in some of my mom's bills that she got in the mail." BORING! the next few...MICHIGAN, and MOUNTAIN...a little hard to bring in to show and tell.  Then the most disturbing one of all...PANDA!  Does this person realize that panda does NOT in fact start with the letter M?! So sad.  This person was obviously "left behind" as a child. 


Noelle said...

Fun to see your blog! I love your title bar, I was just quoting that to my husband ironic. Hope you're doing great. I had no idea you lived in Toole

jeannie said...

LOL some people are CRAZY!! So what did you end up sending with him? You should have taken Macy in for him to show and tell!

OK I didn't know you were even still blogging! YIPEE now I know.

Love all the updates and getting to catch up! I need to see your baby she is so cute!!