Friday, September 10, 2010

The other day, Mack got quiet.  For those of you who are parents, you understand my shear panic about what I was about to find...coloring on walls?  food pulled out of the refrigerator?  foreign objects clogging the toilet?  Not saying i've experienced any of these...(ok i am talking from experience.)  Anyway, this is what I found.
Initially, I thought he had just fallen asleep under his bed.  But upon further observation...

It's hard to see in this picture...but please note the oreo bag.  And then note the oreo in his hand...that's right.  My son fell asleep, under his bed, in the middle of eating an Oreo.  That's my boy!


scott & ashley said...

Haha, that's great!

D and K said...

HAHA oh my gosh how funny and cute! my little brother used to pretend he was going to the bath room, and yet one day we found pudding cups in the garbage can haha he would sneak in there to eat them. i love kids!