Monday, January 24, 2011

All of us have those certain songs that when we hear them, we're stuck.  We wished we could un-hear them. They are now in our heads for the rest of the day.  We even catch ourselves singing them out loud without even thinking about it.  So here is my top ten for the week:

Top 10 Songs That Get Stuck In My Head:

10.  It's Raining Men by Weather Girls

A favorite song of mine, but it gets a little much after hearing it in my head nonstop. P.S. this is the best music video I have ever seen.  Ever.

9. commercial jingles

Sure they're catchy.  That's what jingles are supposed to be.  I don't really even hate these ones like I do most car radio commercials and the Les Olson Company commercials.

8.  Hit me Baby One More Time by Britney Spears

7.  If I Had a Million Dollars by Barenaked Ladies

I LOVE this song.  BUT not after singing the same part of it a million times in my head. 

6.  Barbie Girl by Aqua

5.  Tubthumping by Chumbawumba

Oh Chumbawumba, how you made my 6th grade lunches memorable as my little "group" gathered around the cool CD player in the classroom and we used to listen to this song over and over again.  And the Savage Garden song. 

4.  Milkshake by Kelis

I know...Miss One Hit Wonder makes my's a song that every time i start to think about it, it get's stuck in my head.  Even now, as I am writing it. 

3.  My Humps by Black Eyed Peas

Annoying but yet you can't stop singing it. 

2.  Poker Face by Lady Gaga

I'm including most of Lady Gaga's songs.  

1.  Whip my Hair by Willow Smith

I'm not even kidding...I have had this song stuck in my head since New Years Eve.  And just when I finally get it unstuck, I get someone reminding me about it.  Willow, you are so cute.  And, I love your father.  BUT, this song is ALWAYS in my head.  P.S.  I have been told I can sing this song just like her...I'm that awesome. 

Honorable Mention:  The Spongebob Squarepants jingle and every song that plays on Barney. 

What are you songs that are stuck in your head?

Next weeks Top 10:  Top 10 TV Shows I wish were still On

1 comment:

jeannie said...

oh great! now i'm going to have the milk shake song stuck in my head all night!