Friday, February 25, 2011

Meet Macy.  Again.  Yes she needs a tissue.  Yes, I am a horrible mother for snapping a picture with my new iphone first before wiping her nose.  

But this picture is the theme for a lot of people this week.  It's just been a blah kind of week.  Not a BAD week, just a BLAH week.  Especially here in Utah with the depart of Deron Williams (you will be missed).  Not that I let the Utah Jazz dictate how my days go unlike some people I know.  

Both kids have been sick all week with this nasty runny nose and cough.  Lovely.  Luckily, it hasn't disrupted their sleeping habits at all.  In an attempt to stay positive, because I don't like being negative, here is a list of positives from this week:

  • As before mentioned...I got a new iphone.  Brad bought it for me.  Happy Valen-birth-aversary to me! (thank you Modern Family for that)
  • I only have 8 weeks til I'm laying on the sunny beach in Hawaii.  And I'm 6 pounds lighter.  Happy freaking day.  Only 30 more to go haha
  • I went to the gym every morning for an entire hour this week...except for this morning. I blame it on Brad.  No worries. I will go tomorrow.
  • My laundry is folded and put away.  Always a huge plus. Since i HATE laundry.
  • Mack coined the phrase: De-yuck when he didn't like his french fries.  It is his opposite for delicious.  
  • Brad installed a light in our bathroom over our shower.  It is amazing what that extra light does for the bathroom.  What a wonderful husband I have. 
  • I am excited because I am now decorating my master bedroom.  Well, starting.  I bought some stuff to make myself a new duvet, as long as some curtains and a curtain rod.  I'm excited to get that done this next week.  Pictures to come. 
But the most positive thing I can think of right now is...

TGIF!  Let the weekend bring in some new positives!

1 comment:

Lyndsey Brown said...

I love this pic of Macy Lou :) Made me laugh this morning. :)